Thursday, December 6, 2012

Inspiring Meditation Early For Focus

I love to meditate. Even since before Ms Monkey came into my life, I meditated in various ways, half the time without even knowing it. Now that she's here, I've had the privilege of having her join along and even teach me a few things about "being a statue". I introduced the concept of "acting like a statue" to her, as a game to see how long she can sit and imitate one. It wasn't long before she began improving and expanding on the game, and learning the benefits of it too!

"Daddy, my head is too full of thoughts. I NEED to meditate!"

"Okay, lets do it!"

"I want to get the timer and set it for 4 minutes this time!"

"Four minutes! That's one minute more than last time. I'm down!"

We usually meditate at night before bed to help us wind down for the night. I haven't regretted it a bit since I taught it to her. Frankly, I thought she might be much too physically and mentally active to even conceive doing such a thing. Kids will surprise you though. She sees how much daddy enjoys it and then knows why it is good and is instantly on board to join in.

Simple Is Better

Just keep it simple. The simplest form of meditation is the best form of meditation. Sitting, breathing, and "imitating a statue" can provide more emotional and mental peace than anything else. There's no need to incorporate chakras and energies, and complex guided breathing, elaborate sitting styles, candles, or anything else. Ms Monkey was utterly content with the idea of just listening to herself breathing and "becoming a statue" for at least one minute... before resetting the timer with another minute... and then another!

She'll talk sometimes during the moment she intends to be meditating. If you try to meditate with your kid(s) and they talk, don't worry about it. Let them incorporate whatever they feel they want into it, including a little bit of chatter, just as us adults should let our minds mentally chatter as we meditate, and let it pass naturally instead of trying to restrain it. For a kid, verbal chatter might as well be the same thing.

"Whew.... I feel much better! How about you, Daddy?......... Daaaadddyyy.... are you still meditating?"

Hehehe!.... ;)